Friday, January 13, 2006

Such a Rain!

The weather prediction for the NYS CapDist and southern Adirondacks called for 35 to 50˙ temperatures and a regular ole downpouring of the wetness.

We enjoyed the temperatures we had (slept without cover of the sleeping bags last night and only a most slight fire int he woodstove one room away), not least today although it put us to a true sweat although we wore light clothing for our two hikes -- one short to see where The Dad shot the buck first day, first hour of the recently past rifle season; and a second that took us to the far northern end of the hemlock ridge overlooking farmland distant from the cabin tucked away near the southern end of the ridge.

No rain. Mom's happy.

The Daughter takes off for return to grad school tomorrow: it has been a sweet three weeks.


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