Half the Story...or less
I hope we all understand by now that English folk societies within strongly constrained regions led likewise to deep differences in colonial stock the was settled within the borders of the present day United States over three centuries, but in particular during the first 150 years because, comparatively, those newcomers were so numerous. With that caveat resting its solitary head in the background, yet we can turn our attention to significant modern day observations by some of our most trenchant writers on the newspaper opinion pages of our local dailies. for me, one of these is David Brooks who today (2/8/08) observes a factor of the educational/economic differences between those Democrats drawn to Hillary Clinton and those others who prefer Barack Obama; and why the solutions of those who would be the nominee answer to the life experience emotive nature of those differing constituencies. [I regret, it is impossible to post a link from my own local paper here owing to contractual limitations on Brooks material signed by this newspaper -- a condition I suppose is common among all those newspapers where his work appears.] You might look for it nonetheless -- even if that means at your local library -- especially those among you who are amazed that young people could be drawn ot either of these candidates in anything like the numbers they clearly are. [We can credit Obama for his stirring of the need of the young to DO something good in life, to which end it seems they think sacrifice of even the keen substance of their earnings wojuld not be too much. The same does not seem to be possible for HIllary, whose default practice is to attack "Bush" this and "Bush" that, with the occasional "Rove" or "Cheney," "Limbaugh" or "Hannity" thrown in for good measure of what it might do for her -- accusing others of divisive behaviors while she engages in the practice.]
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